How to Cut Baseboards With a Miter Saw Flawlessly

A miter saw is an ideal tool for cutting floor and crown moldings. Even better if you have a dual compound model; however, classic devices also do an excellent job. With this instrument, you can make straight and angled clean cuts and work with wood, plaster, PVC, polyurethane, and foam.

If you are new to using power tools, in this article, I will show you how to cut baseboards with a miter saw and what additional accessories you will need for it. With my guide, you can easily cope with this task.

How to Cut Baseboards With a Miter Saw?
To cut baseboards with a miter saw, set the saw to the appropriate angle and place the board against the saw’s fence. Line up the blade with the mark on the board and make the cut.

Cutting Baseboards With Miter Saw Guide

Using a miter saw is the best way to cut baseboard overall. If you have the right tool, you only need to do the correct measurements and markings on a workpiece and make baseboard miter cuts depending on its position in the interior. Read more about the process below.


Before you start cutting your boards, it is essential to conduct thorough preparation. If you have little experience with this type of saw, I recommend reading the instructions from a manufacturer once more. Understanding how a tool works is the key to your safety.

Do not neglect the use of protective equipment. Goggles (or a face shield), respirators, and hearing protection should be worn when operating power saws.

Properly picked accessories do not interfere with your work with materials and reliably protect you from the hazardous effects of wood dust and other harmful particles. Always wear them, even if you do not plan to work in the workshop for a long time.

person wearing protection for woodwork

Safety measures

Any power tools pose a certain danger to a user, and therefore you should be especially careful in your work and adhere to the general miter saw safety measures:

  • make sure that your instrument is on a level surface and does not wobble;
  • your position should also be stable;
  • remove all foreign objects from the work surface;
  • do not put your hands too close to a disc or on slide rails;
  • choose the right miter saw blades depending on the materials you work with;
  • do not try to cut several boards at once in one go;
  • if you need to make any adjustments, turn off the saw first.

It is also recommended to use clamps to secure material to the table whenever possible. If this is not possible, press a workpiece with your hands to the work surface; however, make sure that your fingers are not too close to the insertion point of the instrument.

miter saw cutting wood

Tools and materials

As part of the preparation process, I also recommend putting all the accessories that you will need in advance:

  • measuring tape (digital or classic);
  • angle gauge;
  • pencil;
  • sandpaper (optional);
  • baseboard molding;
  • miter saw (compound or original).

Don’t forget about the protective equipment I listed above as well, and you can move on to cutting your workpieces.

Step by Step Guide on Cutting Baseboard With a Miter Saw

In this block, I will go into detail on how to miter cut baseboard like a pro. Take all the tools and equipment prepared and follow my manual.

How to Cut Baseboards With Compound Mitre Saw
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